Saturday, July 27, 2024

    Lifestyle: How To Survive Being The New Employee

    Being the newest employee is not so different from being the new kid at school. The motions are almost the same; you feel awkward at first, you don’t know who you can ask for favours without seeming to be a pest and in some cases there are a few bullies waiting around the corner just to take a swipe at you. Joining an organisation newly can be challenging and not just because you are new to the job or their system of doing things.

    Learning a few tips and tricks on how to relate with your co-workers while navigating your way around your job can go a long way towards determining your success there. This is especially important because it hardly matters whether you are naturally a sociable person or not, you will need to relate with your colleague to get most of your work done. While every work environment is different there are some hacks that are generally adaptable in every situation. Here are a few we like the best
    Smile, Ask Questions And Be Interested: It might sound like advice for a first date, but these three things can go a long way. You’re going to enjoy punching the clock much more if you genuinely like the people around you. Get started on the right foot by being friendly. People like people who are curious about them. (In other words, everyone’s a narcissist). Like it or not, “making friends” can be just as important as doing your job well.

    Practice Saying Yes: You might feel overwhelmed, but as a newbie always say yes if someone asks you for coffee, to lunch, to volunteer on a project or just about anything else. Being agreeable comes before being a pushover. You have to prove yourself before you can say no.
    Don’t Start With Complaints: In your first few weeks, you have no room for complaint. Take initiative, look into why things are done the way they are, and take everything as a learning experience. You need to master the field before you start making suggestions.
    Respect Everyone: It doesn’t matter where you are in the pecking order or where anyone else is. Treat everyone with the same high level of respect, from the entry-level employee to the CEO. You never know who could have your back, do you a favour or even be your undoing.
    Get To Know People’s Name: You’re overwhelmed, but forgetting someone’s name can be one of the biggest blunders you make. Make it a point to repeat everyone’s name after introductions, and address them by name whenever possible.
    Offer To Help: It doesn’t matter if it’s carrying files to storage or helping a co-workers with a spreadsheet. If you can help in any way, do so. That’s where teamwork is born.
    Photo Credit: Getty

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