Saturday, July 27, 2024

    Chelsea Footballer Kenedy Sent Home From China Pre-Session Tour After ‘Racist’ & Offensive Social Media Posts

    Chelsea FC has sent its youngster player Kenedy home in disgrace after his offensive posts on social media.The Premier League champions apologised for the Brazilian posting images with “f***ing China” as a caption – but have now sent him home.His Instagram rant made a massive impact in China and Kenedy was jeered during the friendly against Arsenal at the Bird’s Nest Stadium in Beijing.Chelsea say he was “strongly reprimanded and disciplined” for the Instagram posts, which have since been deleted.Kenedy reportedly posted a series of images with the captions “f***ing China” and “wake up China you idiot”, in reference to a sleeping security guard. He did apologise, saying: “Hello my friends, just wanna say sorry if someone was sad because I used the expression “porra”, was no racism, just an expression…big hug.”Photo Credit: Getty

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